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Concept papers now available for UN 2023 Water Conference dialogues

The UN 2023 Water Conference, on 22-24 March, is fast approaching. This meeting offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to bring together Member States and stakeholders across sectors to mobilize political leadership and address global water challenges in an inclusive and action-oriented environment. 

A range of documentation is now available, including concept papers for the five interactive dialogues on:

  • Water for Health
  • Water for Sustainable Development
  • Water for Climate, Resilience and Environment
  • Water for Cooperation
  • Water Action Decade 

Also available are back-issues of the Conference newsletter, communication materials to help you promote key messages, and contributions from Member States and the UN system to the concept papers mentioned above.

UN 2023 Water Conference documentation is available here.


Registration to the Conference is now open for all participants. Please be aware that there are different processes and deadlines for registration (requesting for a United Nations grounds pass) to the UN 2023 Water Conference. 


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