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UNU policy brief on accelerating implementation of SDG 6

United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) launch policy brief with six steps and six components for accelerating implementation of SDG 6.

UN Photo/Kibae Park

The findings of the brief state that:

• Effective national enabling environments that accelerate SDG implementation are built on collaborations between all concerned government institutions, expert groups and civil society.

• There are six critical components that governments can focus on to meet SDG 6 with equity and true sustainability: these are adequate capacity; policy and institutional strength; finance; gender mainstreaming; disaster risk reduction and resilience mainstreaming; and governance integrity.

• There are six steps to accelerate implementation. It begins with a situational analysis of these six critical components. Then, an effective analysis builds an evidence base that supports decision-making and implementation – from now to 2030.


Learn more about the six steps and six components, and download the policy brief "Accelerating Water-Related SDG Success; 6 Steps And 6 Components For SDG 6".

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