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World Bank: Funding a Water-Secure Future

The World Bank's new report, Funding a Water-Secure Future: An Assessment of Public Spending, quantifies for the first time how much governments spend on water and the size of the financing and funding gaps that must close to meet people's needs.

Water infrastructure

According to the report, annual spending on water is $164.6 billion in developing countries, which amounts to roughly 0.5 per cent of their GDP.  Countries need to increase their spending on water supply and sanitation by US$131.4 to US$140.8 billion annually - almost tripling current expenditure levels. This global average, however, masks significant heterogeneity across different regions and country groups.

Overall, the study presents an integrated assessment of global and regional public spending in the water sector and its main subsectors. It presents findings that seek to answer questions about how public funds are spent in the sector, how well they are spent, and the financing and funding gaps in the sector to help the government meet sector goals.

  • Explore the report, infographic and related stories here.

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