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Recent UNGA Side Event Discusses WASH Issues as a Basis for Achieving the SDGs

UN-Water co-organized a recent side event during the high-level UN General Assembly opening co-sponsored by the Netherlands, South Africa, Bangladesh, and Hungary entitled, Making it Happen: Ending Inequalities and Ensuring Sanitation, Water and Hygiene for All as a Basis for Achieving the SDGs.

On behalf of the four hosting Member States, the Director General for Development Cooperation at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Christiaan Rebergen, addressed the session, with opening remarks provided by the UN Assistant Secretary General, Thomas Gass and the UN-Water Chair, Michel Jarraud.

A high-level panel discussion, moderated by Caterina de Albuquerque of Sanitation and Water for All, featured  H.E. Ms. Nomvula Mokonyane, Minister of Water and Sanitation, Government of South Africa; H.E. Mr. Amir Hossain Amu, Minister for Industries, Government of Bangladesh; H.E. Mr. Ádám Zoltán Kovács, Deputy Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government of Hungary; Ms. Jennifer Sara, Director, Global Water Practice, World Bank Group; Ms. Fatoumata Ndiaye, Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF and Ms. Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President, Women for Water Partnership. The panel was asked to elaborate on the inter-connectedness of these issues and immediate actions they would take to address these issues.

For a more detailed recap of the event, download the summary.

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