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Global workshop on exchange of data and information in transboundary basins

From 4-5 December 2019, a 'Global workshop on exchange of data and information in transboundary basins' will be hosted at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

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The main objectives of the workshop are to discuss practical experiences, on the basis of a range of initiatives and transboundary basin or aquifer cases, related to different key issues in information and data exchange, considering different solutions. Where the conclusions from the workshop will be used to foster transboundary cooperation and to provide support to countries and joint bodies, such as transboundary basin organizations.

In particular, the conclusions will guide the discussions in the meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment which will convene in Geneva on 6 December 2019.

The workshop also aims to draw some recommendations for efficient and sustainable data and information exchange in a transboundary context which can be taken on in future work supported by the bodies under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) and the workshop’s organizing partners – the European Union Water Initiative Plus EUWI+, International Network of Basin Organizations, World Bank, World Meteorological Organization, UN Environment and the International Water Assessment Centre (IWAC).


Detailed information and provisional agenda for the Global workshop on exchange of data and information in transboundary basins is found here.

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Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation