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Extension: 3rd Human Rights Youth Challenge

Third Human Rights Youth Challenge focuses on Private Sector Participation in Water and Sanitation Sector.

MINUSMA meets university students of Bamako

The Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation is organizing the Third Human Rights Youth Challenge and invites youth aged between 24 and 32 years to submit a 2000 word essay on “private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector: a human rights perspective”.

The theme of the 3rd Human Rights Youth Challenge is also the theme of the Special Rapporteur’s report for 2020 on the analysis of private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector from a human rights perspective. In this report, he will assess challenges, risks and impacts – from a human rights perspective – of various models of private sector participation in water and sanitation services.

The winner will be invited to join the Special Rapporteur at a side-event of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, September 2020.


The deadline of the submission is 30 April 2020.
See more information on the challenge and theme: EnglishFrenchSpanish

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